As a freelancer I've worked with many streamers around the world to make them unique emotes.
All are personalized products with their own personalities, usually costing $15, though as people usually buy them on groups I have always a promo of
1 emote at the price of $5
3 emotes at the price of $13
5 emotes at the price of $20
Each emote is delivered with the followed characteristics:
-A png of 1000x1000 (Original picture)
-A png of 112 x 112
-A png of 56 x 56
-A png of 28 x 28
Due to the range of complexity of animations I've been asked to do, this category has more variables regarding prices compared to PNG Emotes.
Starting at $10 (usd) and going up to $25.
But how do you know which are complex and which are more simple? Well it comes to the number of unique "frames", or pictures I need to draw as shown in the video.
If I need to do a lot of unique pictures in different poses, that extra work will be reflected on the price, though just like in the case of the packs of statics emotes here I have a similar discount though as this is more of a personalized price the discounts depends on how many and how expensive the emotes will be.
If you have any questions don't hesitate to contact me!